How to Backup/Restore your website created in RV sitebuilder

1) Login to your cPanel. Go to Software/ Services category and click RV site builder.

2) It will redirect you to the RV site builder page.

3) You can see two categories listed in there.

   a) Edit and Remove Project

   b) Backup and Restore Project.

Note: Backup and restore project will be showing up only if you edit and save a project (design a website).

4) Click Backup and Restore Project.

5) A Pop-up box will be shown with the message "The backup file contains only data to rebuild the website from scratch. There is a data for your web pages and file based components, but NOT database based components such as blog, forums, and etc. You need to keep a full back up of your hosting account together with this backup."

** As the message explains, the web pages designed in RV site builder will be backed up and not other components, blog/forums etc.

Begin Backup

6) Click Next to continue taking backup of webpages designed using RV site builder.

7) RV site builder will put together all the files associated in a single file and will propmt for a Save option.
Note: Click text where it shows the Download filesize. 

If you don't click to save. The file is only temporarily be stored on the server and will be lost,  it is neccesary to save this on your computer by using the link.

Save Backup

8) Click Save and select the destination where you want to store the file.

9) If you want to restore the saved RV site builder backup, click Backup and Restore Project and then select the file from the location where you saved the backup.

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